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Summit Productions PD Chassis

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5 Screenshots


Comes with the Custom A-Chassis Gauge Upgrade

Turning Signals appear on the gauge with indicator sound
Turning Signals appear on the inside of the car on the dashboard
Fully functioning Crash System
Engine Light
Sound Effects
Smoke Effects
Uses a health based system, so there are small crashes and bigger crashes

Fully functioning repair system
Wrench tool
Sound effects
Proximity prompt

Fully Functioning Engine Startup System
Engine Startup Sound (Customizable)
Engine Kill Sound (Customizable)

Fully Working Car Enter/Lock System
Lockable Doors (Press Y, Customizable Keybind, only works if you have a script that sets the owner value to the person who spawns the car.)
Press T to enter the vehicle (Customizable Keybind)

Fully Working Interior Police Startup System
Computer starts up with sound effects
Siren Controller starts up with sound effects

Fully Working Siren Controller
Displays which modes of light you have on and displays the pattern of light on the mini screen
Displays which sirens you have on
Displays anything else you add to it

Disclaimer: The Siren Controller might require additional setup on your part for your ELS, if you have little to no scripting knowledge, buying this system for the sake of the siren controller is not advised.

Fully working Seatbelt System
Buckle & Unbuckle sound
Comes with the Pit System
Working Steering Wheel
Working Speed Gauge
Working Headlights
Working Turning Signals with Indicator Sounds
Working Dome Light with Sound Effects
Brake Sound Squeal

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