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Countryside [REUPLOAD]

(1 review)

8 Screenshots

The Syrian Countryside map is based off of the mountainous regions of Western Syria, with terrain that looks like Afghanistan, but buildings that look like sandy Bulkans style. Many of these people in this area have a mix of Arabic and Slavic decent, making it a very strange cultural dynamic with architechture and ways of life.This map is perfect for a MilSim looking to do middle eastern mountainous operations, but wants to get away from standard Iraq and Afghanistan.

Size: (XYZ) 10,000 * 1750 * 10,000

Specs: Very Large Mountains and Valleys, a large River with brdiges and boats, 7 Outskirt Syrian Towns with details, Heavy Vegetation and Terrain Detailing, Fishing Docks, Asphalt and Dirt Roads

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

neat map idk what ill use it for but good map

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