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Windows 11 Simulator | UniversalSynSaveinstance | 4kk 1.0.0

(0 reviews)
Message added by god,

beware: if the game doesn’t work it’s because it’s saveinstanced, there are no scripts.

1 Screenshot

In the digital landscape, the proliferation of viruses and extraneous files poses significant challenges. In response to this situation, WinGuide, a virtual assistant, seeks your assistance.

Everything new with B13 Update:

● Bugs fixes with cutscenes:
We have noticed reports for some players that Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 doesn't work for some devices, and it's now fixed including other similar bugs.
● Easier Chapter 3: Meeting Virus Creator
We have noticed reports from players that the final chapter level is too hard to complete for desktop users, we have made some parts easier that will make the game less impossible to complete.

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