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Portsmouth Roleplay 1.0.0

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Provided by Fire Crew Development Portsmouth Roleplay Map on ROBLOX - HIGHLY DETAILED Are you looking for an ultimate roleplay map to kickstart your roleplay community adventure? We have you covered with this amazing, highly detailed roleplay map that will capture the Roblox player eyes by storm. The map offers a bustling atmosphere of Portsmouth, offering your players an immersive seaside adventure straight from their bedrooms. --- What is included?

  • Tons of scripted vehicles with ELS, with a Vehicle Spawner System

  • R6 Avatars Gameplay

  • Scripted & detailed equipment/kit for all services in-game

  • Fully group/team locked with the ability to easily change the IDs in the values in ReplicatedFirst

  • Multiple teams from HM Coastguard, RNLI Lifeboats/Lifeguards, Fire & Rescue, Police Service, Ambulance Service, Council, Private Sector & much more

  • Tools equipped to help you at any given incident

  • Working main menu UI, team changer, animations, radio communications and money/time UIs

  • Animation IDs can be easily added in ReplicatedFirst (no animations are provided)

  • Realistic & working service stations with group locked doors/equipment

& much, much more!

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