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Highly advanced WW2 German Artillery System Howitzer (See De 1.0.0

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The WW2 German howitzer, also known as the German artillery, was a significant component of the German Army during World War II. One of the most iconic howitzers used by the Germans during this period was the 10.5 cm leFH 18, which was widely used for artillery support and indirect fire against enemy positions.

The 10.5 cm leFH 18 was a versatile and reliable weapon that saw action on all fronts of the war. It was known for its accuracy and firepower, making it a formidable weapon against enemy troops and fortifications. With a range of up to 10 kilometers, it could deliver devastating blows to enemy positions from a safe distance.

– Works with ferrarico multicrew tanks
– Animated axis rotating wheel
– Detailed explosion effects
– Advanced sounds
– Advanced position spotting
– Accurate and effective
– Fully scripted
– Reloadable shell inserting

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