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9 Screenshots

Sullust(BFII)2.thumb.png.9e0eeaebd20ecd5c560022b531e19511.pngSullust(BFII)1.thumb.png.5fd4c9b5e83b0ff91759e4ebdaa8938a.pngSULLUST BATTLEFRONT 2 MAP.rbxl

What's New in Version 1.0.0

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Immerse yourself in an epic galactic conflict with the Roblox Sullust Map for Battlefront 2! Step into the heart of the volcanic planet Sullust, meticulously recreated in stunning detail. Engage in intense battles between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance as you traverse treacherous rocky terrains and navigate through imposing industrial structures. With visually captivating lava flows and a range of strategic vantage points, the Sullust Map promises a thrilling and action-packed gameplay experience for Robloxians eager to become heroes or villains in the ever-expanding Star Wars universe. May the Force be with you!

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