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The War of the Worlds Map 1.0.0

(2 reviews)

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to make the tripods ork you need to be on the martian team and press control. then you press 0 and a cutscene should start. if it doesnt try pressing "-"

tripod controls:
1 - arms (need to be extended for lasers)

4 - retract arms
5 - deploy these prong thingies

8- go prone

hold SHIFT to go prone for longer

e/q are lasers, you need to click before using them and you cant use them right as you extend the arms u gotta wait a bit

dm me for more help



1 minute ago, rosinox said:

to make the tripods ork you need to be on the martian team and press control. then you press 0 and a cutscene should start. if it doesnt try pressing "-"

tripod controls:
1 - arms (need to be extended for lasers)

4 - retract arms
5 - deploy these prong thingies

8- go prone

hold SHIFT to go prone for longer

e/q are lasers, you need to click before using them and you cant use them right as you extend the arms u gotta wait a bit

dm me for more help

also pressing 0 will switch between first and third person

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