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Most Realistic ACS (Newest Breakify) 1.0.0

(4 reviews)

3 Screenshots

im here (yo daddy) to provide you with some really good leak

even tho this file was already leaked some time ago everybody was sleeping on this rare leak and it became as untouched as a nuns pussy so there you go freaks

if you ppl want to i will also make a video on how to add new guns to this engine if you want


if you shootin someone and instead of blood splatter a white block appears it means the blood splatter file uploaded on roblox is deleted and you will have to replace it with another pbr blood stain imma plug a fix for this here

if u shootin a gun and audio doesnt play go to gunmodels folder and replace the audio with a working one

also i would recommend you to use this engine only in milsims or games that are lowkey and not making a whole ass game and trying to get it popular using this engine cuz breakify (the nigga who made this engine) is a lil twink ass cunt and dmca's any asset that is his or that looks like its his (he legit dmca'd some nigga for a grass blade particle that i could legit recreate rn just by opening ms paint and by hand draw a green line)

enjoy this file darkblox ppl



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do you have the latest vehicles

Response from the author:

no i dont have em

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

W manz I had a slightly older version of this with only like 5 guns. Thx for this newer version with wayy more guns. And bro please keep posting stuff like this its really cool

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

i love you

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I love this!

Response from the author:

glad to hear 💪

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