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5 Screenshots

• Voting system functional for both the President and the Deputies
• Expanded Area of the Federation Council
• Perfect and Detailed Realism for Russian RoNation or Political RolePlay
• Adonis Functional System Administrator

  • The Federation Council (Russian: Совет Федерации, Soviet Federatsiy), known unofficially as the Senate (Сенат, Senat),12 is the upper house of the parliament of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly. Together with the State Duma (lower house), it exercises legislative, budgetary and control functions, and exercises the right of legislative initiative. It is made up of 170 representatives of the territorial entities of the Russian state, the so-called federal subjects: one appointed by the legislative body and another by the executive body of each of them. Likewise, they can be removed from their positions by the same procedure. The representatives or delegates of the Council must be over 30 years old. The members of the Federation Council are inviolable in the exercise of their functions.

  • The Federation Council consists of 187 members, of which 170 are appointed by the federal subjects and 17 are appointed by the President of Russia. Since they are not elected through direct elections, the members of the Federation Council are not formally structured into parliamentary groups, according to the parties they represent.

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