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3 Screenshots

Just the Teutonnian AB:CC map but no scripts and guis tho sadly

They're creating a new map anyways so eh enjoy this map

Also plz rate 🙏

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Should i leak this but fully working?


Insanely awesome map, but I have a problem when I spawn. In the game, only this appears. What should I change to make it work?

Screenshot 2025-03-05 164736.png


if you leaked this, you should try leaking austenia. pretty good leak btw

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This deserves five stars even if there isn't any scripts in the map the map itself is amazing I've been looking for this map for around three to two months now and I have finally found it! Thanks.

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