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Our community is here to help! With a collective effort, we can resolve your issue together. Whether you're seeking advice, troubleshooting, or just need someone to point you in the right direction, we're here to lend a hand.

  1. Started by Idont,

    Hi, guys i got a problem The problem is simple, when i try to open a MAP it doesn't opens and just opens studio (only with some maps) Example: Map of 1960 Korea (Credits to the uploader) Please if somenome can help me it will be nice, i tried a lot of methods i desinstalled studio and reinstaling the map but nothing works. 2공.rbxl

  2. https://www.roblox.com/games/15601098544/UPDATE-Goofsville Does anyone know the name of the ACS engine in this game?

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  3. Started by greg_875,

    Hello here I am looking for people who could give me a copy of the map What I want: I just want the titanic I don't care about the scripts I just want the titanic and its parts that there on the games Game Link: [CARPATHIE] Titanic SOS - Roblox

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  4. hey im stuck in the pathos loading srceen how to fix

  5. Im not talking like a script I mean like disable it for players in studio and game

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  6. I'm curious what you guys all use to steal games with scripts. Are you guys using exploits? Do you have access to the studio? If your using exploits, what executor, and what script?

  7. ???

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  8. any time i try to download something it says i am not permitted to download this. here’s an image to explain

  9. Started by CallMeAC130TVOperator,

    when i trying to open a place with roblox studio its joins and crashes after some seconds,how to fix that?

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  10. i think many people seen my post about ferrarico tanks dont work (not the dont do any damage). so it worked when i joined in studio now,anyone know why its worked? maybe ferrarico disabled his tanks?if yes then why?

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  11. So i have Chuhkee moss ACS 2.17.6 and its is updated version but has Whitelisted so i wanted to know if someone would like to crack it. (i really need this for a Project) Send me a msg if you got Cracked version updated or has already cracked it. Chuhkee Moss ACS 2.17.6.rbxl

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  12. so after installing script to all ferrarico tanks to fix damage my tanks stopped working,_, ,-, and even restore version tanks dont work.please help me,the script:https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/14456176856/FERRARICO-FIX-PLAYER-KILLING?viewFromStudio=true&keyword=Ferrarico&searchId=e3e07b82%2D65da%2D4fcb%2D897a%2D71b10ed1b1 the vid: robloxapp-20250206-1441555.wmv

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  13. Ferrarico tanks dont do any damage,how to fix this? robloxapp-20250205-1802547.wmv

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  14. Please help me, when I get into the car, LASD automatically throws me out of it.

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  15. Started by wackrh,

    I try clicking the fire button but it does not fire Some works some does’nt robloxapp-20250116-1941463.wmv

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  16. Started by CallMeAC130TVOperator,

    Pls help me,i need more japan,ussr and german tanks for my ww2 game

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  17. Guys I am making a RP Game right now, what would be the best ACS Mod like destoryware, warfighter etc to use? I want it to be realistic aswell and R15.

  18. Started by Frosts,

    Can someone help me with this map that was leaked to get some terrain that was sadly lost when it aaa leaked! If interested please contact my discord which is frostinity.

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  19. Please any help would be appreciated.

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  20. Guys I am making a RP Game right now, what would be the best ACS Mod like destoryware, warfighter etc to use? I want it to be realistic aswell and R15.

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  21. Started by wackrh,

    Everytime i try Shooting a viethin gun model (Click the left mouse button) It does not fire robloxapp-20250116-1942103.wmv

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  22. How do i use this? it does not work even though i typed in my creator id. This is supposed to spoof something so i can get through whitelist systems. But there are no instructions and i did what i could to try to make it work including typing in my creator id and placing in workspace, serverscriptservice and placing it under a script. This file can be found: BypassExample.rbxm

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  23. Use this plugin and watch the video to see how it works if you don’t know https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/2537608092/Animation-Spoofer-V2-Update?viewFromStudio=true&keyword=&searchId=9d943797-a296-4388-9359-6e076ae20967

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  24. Started by victordel8,

    HELLO, could someone help me extract the car system?, I mean the system of opening and entering the car with animation, I tried but I can't, did I think someone of you can help me? LINK LEAK: DarkBlox - Best roblox leaks!

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