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  • Open Club
  • 6332 members
  • Free
  • Founder

We’re excited to introduce the Official DarkBlox Staff Club, a dedicated space for our staff members to share important updates, announcements, documents, and more!

Purpose of the Club

This club is exclusively for official DarkBlox staff members. While only staff can join, all users in the community can view the content posted here. It’s your go-to place to stay informed about our latest initiatives and updates.

Verifying Staff Members

To ensure transparency and protect our community, here’s how you can verify if someone is a legitimate staff member:

1. Moderator Badge: Official staff members will always display the Moderator Badge.

2. Staff Groups: They will belong to one of the following groups:



Junior Admin

• (Or any other designated staff group)

If a user claims to be staff but is not listed in this club or lacks the appropriate badge or group membership, they are not a real staff member. Please report such cases immediately.

What This Club Offers

Announcements: Stay informed about the latest updates.

Resources: Access official documents and guidelines.

Engagement: Learn about upcoming events and staff-led initiatives.

We hope this club becomes an integral part of the DarkBlox community, helping everyone stay connected and informed.

Thank you for being part of this journey!

DarkBlox Team

Founder of DarkBlox 🛡️

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