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How to use the bypass whitelist leak?


How do i use this? it does not work even though i typed in my creator id. This is supposed to spoof something so i can get through whitelist systems. But there are no instructions and i did what i could to try to make it work including typing in my creator id and placing in workspace, serverscriptservice and placing it under a script.

This file can be found:


Featured Replies

Please read the comments i left in the script
if that doesnt work
Heres an updated version to help

-- Script initialization with type annotations for functions and documentation for Roblox

-- Import the main API module

local API = require(script.MAIN) -- This is the main API for emulation.


Function: Emulate_Libraries

Description: Emulates specific properties or methods of a given object (e.g., game).


- originalObject: The original object to spoof (e.g., game).

- properties: A table containing the properties and methods to spoof.

Usage Example:

local spoofedGame = API.Emulate_Libraries(game, { CreatorId = 123 })


-- Define a table to hold the spoofed properties for the 'game' object

local SpoofedGameProperties


local game = game -- Alias for the 'game' object for convenience

-- Define spoofed properties and functions for the 'game' object

SpoofedGameProperties = {

-- Spoof the CreatorId property of the 'game' object

CreatorId = 123,

-- Spoof the GetService function of the 'game' object

GetService = function(UserData, ...)

local Arguments = {...} -- Capture all arguments passed to the function

-- Log the arguments for debugging

warn("Arguments passed to GetService:", Arguments)

-- Call the original GetService function with the provided arguments

return game:GetService(...)





Function: Init

Description: Initializes the environment with spoofed values and functions.


- data: A table containing the initial data to use for spoofing.

- debug: A boolean indicating whether to enable debug logging.

Usage Example:

local modifiedEnv = API.Init({ game = spoofedGame }, true)


-- Create a spoofed version of the 'game' object using the API

local SpoofedGame = API.Emulate_Libraries(game, SpoofedGameProperties)

-- Define the initial data for the modified environment

local Init_Data = {

game = SpoofedGame, -- Spoofed 'game' object

Game = SpoofedGame, -- Alias for the spoofed 'game' object



Function: Emulate_Lua_Functions

Description: Emulates Lua functions by providing custom implementations.


- functions: A table containing the functions to spoof.

Usage Example:

API.Emulate_Lua_Functions({ type = customTypeFunction })


-- Define a custom type function to spoof the 'type' function

local SpoofedType


local game = game

local type = type

SpoofedType = function(Item)

local Type = type(Item)

if Item == SpoofedGame then

return type(game)


return Type



-- Define spoofed functions to override Lua functions

local SpoofedFuncs = {

type = SpoofedType


-- Initialize the modified environment with the spoofed game object and enable debugging

local ModifiedEnvironment = API.Init(Init_Data, true)

-- Apply the spoofed Lua functions to the environment


-- Set the modified environment for the current script

setfenv(0, ModifiedEnvironment)

setfenv(1, ModifiedEnvironment)

-- Example usage to check if the game.CreatorId is spoofed correctly

if game.CreatorId == 123 then



warn('Not spoofed!')


  • Author

@kizzythedog I did trial and error came to a solution.
Step 1: Put it in serverscriptservice

Step 2: Select serverscriptservice and enable loadstring

Step 3: Inside the script put your user id in line 37.

Hope it worked for you! it did for me tho!

  • Author
8 minutes ago, Kott Mini said:

@kizzythedog I did trial and error came to a solution.
Step 1: Put it in serverscriptservice

Step 2: Select serverscriptservice and enable loadstring

Step 3: Inside the script put your user id in line 37.

Hope it worked for you! it did for me tho!

if it does not work then change the user id to one of the owners of that system

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