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Sir. Bartholomew XVII

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  1. they were working on the vehicles at the time. sorry that theres no vehicles
    Old ass leak, you are almost 4 years late.
    • Version 1.0.0
    I worked briefly for this retard and he treated me like shit despite being the best scripter he has ever had. Thomas12345CZ (925555237) the “lead scripter” or whatever can’t even fucking script. He just copy and pastes scripts from other uncopylocked mano county games. EASTERNXZ (36946398) is more chill but even then he’s still incredibly impatient. He would get irritated when he wanted me to go script something. When told I am at work or I am busy he’d get mad. Both treat their developers like absolute dogshit. If you want more up 2 date stuff you can saveinstance the main game: 7533528186 I believe this game file itself can be sold for like 200$. Eastern got this file from SOELHOXHA (696026406) Enjoy the free file, dickheads deserve to get their shit leaked.

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