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    • Version 1.0.0
    MSA G1 SCBA by Wave Tech (PHASE 3) This is newest and last release of this system I have the audio files, just wont be uploading them here. THIS SYSTEM HAS A WHITELIST SYSTEM I sadly have been unable to crack the whitelist system, so this system WILL NOT WORK out of the box, if you know how to break obfuscation etc give it a shot and try and get it to work! Not every file you should have to pay for because that's stupid, this is a block game, welcome to the real world. Picture is not the system
    Its a good map but it lacks a ton of things, for starters their is no LEO cars, uniforms gear etc, the lack of vehicles in general was disappointing all together the map is small, lack of a lot of things, outdated ACS I mean the list contiues

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