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Everything posted by Mrpoppants

    • Version 1.0.0
    All these plugins are paid with a few exception's on a few of them, 1. The creator realized his shit got leaked so he marketed it for free 2. The creator was retarded How to install plugins 1. Drag and drop the plugin into your workspace in roblox, 2. Right click and click on "Save as local Plugin" or some shit like that I don't have Studio opened right now. 3. Enjoy and please stop sending me gay black men kissing in my messages you tards
    • Version Every - / Old
    All these files have been saved using save instance, I suggest not using the map's but only ripping asset's from it.
  1. here is his $140USD map he is trying to sell they have to make it on sale cause he's not getting sales for it https://payhip.com/b/ASQ6B - Not a leak just proof it's $140USD File name is called SAZWOTW
    • Version all
    I'm a former dev for saz and I don't care about them retards + Bonus there is broken's $140USD map like nigga no one is buying that shit you fucking monkey also their legal doc got leaked made by some other retarded dev THEIR LEGAL DOC IS INVALID CAUSE IT'S NOT LEGAL ☠️

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