🎉 ATTENTION: Post 10 quality assets for a chance of Platinum. This is limited time.

Everything posted by TheFunnyGuy
Warframe ACS
- Winchester
- yall are some horny mf
- N****ACS (N-ACS) R6 1.0.0
Untitled Shooter 2
- Version 1.0.0
the real deal reupload the animations please, go to view and then turn off ui visibility to see the map and shit if you wanna edit the gibs go to ServerStorage>asset>gibsFree -
MW19 Blood Pack
- Version 1.0.0
Found this in spearhead discord server Contains: Decal blood, PBR blood, and Blood ParticlesFree - Chuhkee Moss ACS 2.17.6
18+ ONLY | Detailed Dummy
Milsim stuff
- Chuhkee Moss ACS 2.17.6
Forbsleaks Veratech (reupload)
- Unorgiven V2 File
- Version 1.0.0
Brought to you by Congen FREE!! https://clearlydev.com/product/winchester/Free - 3d pcu pack (r15)
- Version 1.0.0
This archipelago, nestled within the azure embrace of the ocean, is a tapestry of terror and mystery. Each island boasts its own unique objective perfect for variation in military operations. Islands are characterized by the distinct cultural buildings and underground hidden areas. The vast foliage is perfect for land navigation. There's a small city embedded into one of the islands, perfect for combat and other situations. There's a BLUFOR site with kill-houses and range for training purposes and briefings. Islands are ridden with slums and stores. FREE!! https://payhip.com/b/onu2yFree -
Fort Novosel
- Version 1.0.0
Extremely detailed Very big 1:1 replication of real life Realistic terrains and lighting Large forest area Perfect for US Army Aviation groups Accurate buildings No vehicles or scripts included in the map FREE!!! https://payhip.com/b/NdRnpFree -
SOMACS File (uncracked)
its already cracked, some guns arent working
Sennybridge Training Area
- Version 1.0.0
This is the perfect training map for any military group, contains a large open filed, with open and dense forestry and a town which includes interactable buildings with interior. Also includes small airbase and training / demo area. FREE!! https://clearlydev.com/product/sennybridge-training-area/Free -
SOMACS File (uncracked)
ill try cracking it
How to use the bypass whitelist leak?
Please read the comments i left in the script if that doesnt work Heres an updated version to help -- Script initialization with type annotations for functions and documentation for Roblox -- Import the main API module local API = require(script.MAIN) -- This is the main API for emulation. --[[ Function: Emulate_Libraries Description: Emulates specific properties or methods of a given object (e.g., game). Parameters: - originalObject: The original object to spoof (e.g., game). - properties: A table containing the properties and methods to spoof. Usage Example: local spoofedGame = API.Emulate_Libraries(game, { CreatorId = 123 }) --]] -- Define a table to hold the spoofed properties for the 'game' object local SpoofedGameProperties (function() local game = game -- Alias for the 'game' object for convenience -- Define spoofed properties and functions for the 'game' object SpoofedGameProperties = { -- Spoof the CreatorId property of the 'game' object CreatorId = 123, -- Spoof the GetService function of the 'game' object GetService = function(UserData, ...) local Arguments = {...} -- Capture all arguments passed to the function -- Log the arguments for debugging warn("Arguments passed to GetService:", Arguments) -- Call the original GetService function with the provided arguments return game:GetService(...) end, } end)() --[[ Function: Init Description: Initializes the environment with spoofed values and functions. Parameters: - data: A table containing the initial data to use for spoofing. - debug: A boolean indicating whether to enable debug logging. Usage Example: local modifiedEnv = API.Init({ game = spoofedGame }, true) --]] -- Create a spoofed version of the 'game' object using the API local SpoofedGame = API.Emulate_Libraries(game, SpoofedGameProperties) -- Define the initial data for the modified environment local Init_Data = { game = SpoofedGame, -- Spoofed 'game' object Game = SpoofedGame, -- Alias for the spoofed 'game' object } --[[ Function: Emulate_Lua_Functions Description: Emulates Lua functions by providing custom implementations. Parameters: - functions: A table containing the functions to spoof. Usage Example: API.Emulate_Lua_Functions({ type = customTypeFunction }) --]] -- Define a custom type function to spoof the 'type' function local SpoofedType (function() local game = game local type = type SpoofedType = function(Item) local Type = type(Item) if Item == SpoofedGame then return type(game) end return Type end end)() -- Define spoofed functions to override Lua functions local SpoofedFuncs = { type = SpoofedType } -- Initialize the modified environment with the spoofed game object and enable debugging local ModifiedEnvironment = API.Init(Init_Data, true) -- Apply the spoofed Lua functions to the environment API.Emulate_Lua_Functions(SpoofedFuncs) -- Set the modified environment for the current script setfenv(0, ModifiedEnvironment) setfenv(1, ModifiedEnvironment) -- Example usage to check if the game.CreatorId is spoofed correctly if game.CreatorId == 123 then warn('Spoofed!!') else warn('Not spoofed!') end
Updated Whitelist Bypasser
Whitelist Bypasser
- 1 review
Whitelist Bypasser
- 1 review
Fictional California Highway Patrol Recruitment Charger
Whitelist Bypasser
- Version 1.0.0
Ambersand made an emulation module so that you can spoof creatorid to trick the script into thinking that you're whitelisted. You can very easily crack the latest versions of any system! like acsm, somacs, etc.Free- 13 comments
- 1 review