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🎉 ATTENTION: Post 10 quality assets for a chance of Platinum. This is limited time.


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Everything posted by Cow

  1. Cow reviewed AMRX's review on a file in System
    W script, easy to setup.
  2. Cow commented on AMRX's comment on a file in System
    Awesome script!
  3. Cow reviewed god's review on a file in Maps
    Tested it out, it’s pretty awesome
  4. Cow reviewed AMRX's review on a file in System
    Thanks for sharing this awesome file
  5. Cow commented on god's comment on a file in Maps
    Please upload relative pictures 😊
  6. Cow commented on god's comment on a file in Maps
    Damn bro saw and bro delivered 🔥
  7. Cow commented on syneček 11's comment on a file in Vehicles
    is this from @Q4re? lol
  8. Hello @HubbaWink, Thank you for reporting this issue. Please note that direct messaging for asset requests is not allowed, as we have a Request Assets forum specifically for this purpose. @vpk_man, kindly submit your request in the proper forum section so it can be handled appropriately.
  9. Cow posted a post in a topic in Community Help
    @vitordel8 anything else we can help you with today?
  10. @floppa lol To my knowledge, we’re the only active website of this kind right now. DarkBlox combines the best of Forbs and Asset World, offering double the assets and an enhanced experience for everyone. Welcome to DarkBlox!
  11. Cow commented on TheFunnyGuy's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    Due to recent reports on this file I have added a message explaining the Virus Total false positive.
    File works, you have to follow these instructions: If your map isn't functioning as expected, try removing the GroupScript from StarterPlayerScripts. This should resolve the issue and allow your map to work properly.
  12. Cow commented on ChickenStrip's comment on a file in Military
    NFG is such a fatass scam
  13. Cow reviewed god's review on a file in Military
    Scripted and amazing <3 Love this release, keep up the good work. Hope to see some more United States Coast Guard
  14. Cow commented on god's comment on a file in Military
    Downloading right now! Hope it’s scripted.
  15. Cow commented on Yeiner skibidi's comment on a file in Maps
    This would be great for a first person shooter!
  16. Please add relative pictures to this post @Mason
  17. Cow posted a file in Aviation
    This file has been marked safe, however, it’s from loperb1. So your going to have to test it out.
    This has not been tested, credits to loperb1
  18. Cow commented on Ashley's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    Make a request
  19. Cow reviewed ne3ai4ka v2's review on a file in Vehicles
    This has improved since the last time I had my hands on it.

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