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Mr. Mystery

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Everything posted by Mr. Mystery

  1. Mr. Mystery reviewed Mrwolfofficel's review on a file in Maps
    This is a nice small map and is very useful
  2. Mr. Mystery reviewed Mrwolfofficel's review on a file in Vehicles
    I love this truck and the others; they are just what one needs for their firefighters
    Nice pickup works good and is in the right place
  3. I can give you some tips and info to help out. And you’re welcome, What benefits the community is what we strive for here
  4. If we think about letting people make new tags for requests so they can separate things and look by tags, then a mass search of words. I can give ideas if you need
  5. @Cow ^ Just DM me if you have anything you need help with. I am a member of the community and willing to improve anything for you and the members
  6. Yeah I do a lot of customer service stuff so I’m able to help with user-friendly or anything for the public
  7. Everything is good, but just needs a better “what’s new” area because it only shows a small amount, and then you have to spend time looking for other new stuff. if you make it show everything uploaded for the 24 hours, then it comes off the
  8. Mr. Mystery reviewed AMRX's review on a file in Scripted Games
    You got the good stuff and top-rated
  9. Mr. Mystery reviewed G300's review on a file in Military
    A buck is the best file. It must be that holiday discount of 99%
  10. Mr. Mystery reviewed kade's review on a file in Maps
    Really like it and going to use this as a meeting place
  11. Mr. Mystery reviewed Cow's review on a file in Models
    Looks good and works
  12. Mr. Mystery reviewed kade's review on a file in Maps
    It's a locked file; why even upload it? remove this and replace it or just remove it for good
  13. Mr. Mystery reviewed Cow's review on a file in Scripted Games
    idk really know how to rate this but it’s a great map and good for logging but high-quality map
    this is a nice high high-quality map that will be great for any water action
    This is really nice and works great and is useable for anything
  14. Mr. Mystery reviewed JESUS's review on a file in Military
    The patches are really nice and work great with uniforms
  15. Mr. Mystery commented on god's comment on a file in Military
    Looks great do a marine one map
  16. Mr. Mystery reviewed AMRX's review on a file in Maps
    It is great and gives me a place to start for making my own pentagon thanks

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