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Everything posted by Glaze

  1. Glaze commented on Ken From Minecraft's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    Ill drop it really soon
  2. Glaze commented on Ken From Minecraft's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    But its backdoored like fuck meaning any exploiters can do anything with it or ban you
  3. Glaze commented on Ken From Minecraft's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    that wb is in use cause i used it for a month now
  4. Glaze commented on Ken From Minecraft's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    I have the map from when i got it from a trade so i can leak it for free
  5. Glaze reviewed AMRX's review on a file in Other
    Good kit and guns but there too small like the vest and stuff
  6. Glaze commented on notbuffony's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    Calm down you lot
    • Version 1.0.0
    Features: – Includes 2 vests – Includes 6 different arm badges – Easy to config – Great to use at events – Easy to use – Made by socixlizr
    • Version 1.0.0
    Toggleable PAX Bags – Based on the ones used by Midlands Air Ambulance.
  7. Glaze Membership ReviewRating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My Review: I love having this perk because I can go to Booster and Premium section and get all exclusive assets for free as not only that I only got access to this because I became a staff memeber and its been fun working here with everyone. Favorite Perks: Booster Section - Premium section - no wait time to download - Enjoying Darkblox
  8. Glaze reviewed ForgeStudios's review on a file in Scripted Games
    Dope bar fully scripted aswell
  9. Glaze commented on Lenus Ailen's comment on a file in Scripted Games
  10. Glaze commented on Lenus Ailen's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    I think someone already uploaded this map
  11. Glaze commented on West Midlands Roblox's comment on a file in Maps
    If you have another wb just add the buidlings over and stuff and lighting
  12. Glaze commented on Subaru's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    You can use animation spoofer
  13. Glaze reviewed Mr. Big Bork's review on a file in Vehicles
    this is soo good to find a working one thank you soo much
    • Version 1.0.0
    High quality mesh ambulance service jackets, this set contains a pack of the jackets that varies throughout the service ranks. Currently this is non-scripted, user’s who purchase this now get a free version of the scripted jackets VERY SOON.
    Its not fully scrited but love the map
    Love it I like the detail you put on it and the interior looks nice!
  14. Glaze commented on RobloxUser's comment on a file in Vehicles
    kee up the good work
  15. Glaze reviewed RobloxUser's review on a file in Vehicles
    love it
  16. Glaze commented on LaylaIsMyDear's comment on a file in Maps
    love it
  17. Glaze reviewed LaylaIsMyDear's review on a file in Maps
    I like it

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