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Everything posted by victordel8

  1. victordel8 commented on XZTI's comment on a file in System
    My camera, flashlight and inventory are not working, could someone tell me how to fix it?
  2. victordel8 posted a post in a topic in Community Help
    HELLO, could someone help me extract the car system?, I mean the system of opening and entering the car with animation, I tried but I can't, did I think someone of you can help me? LINK LEAK: DarkBlox - Best roblox leaks!
  3. victordel8 posted a post in a topic in Community Help
    Could someone help me, when I install an ACS Gun and grab a cart from the toolbox and start the game, almost all objects shine too bright as if they were lamps, would anyone know how to help me? I think it's the bloom but I tried to delete it but it doesn't work, when I start the ACS Gun System the objects glow like lamps

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