🎉 ATTENTION: Post 10 quality assets for a chance of Platinum. This is limited time.

Everything posted by JESUS
ADD-ON - Delivery System - Vehicle & Economy System
Clearly Development Store: £8.00 Features: - Add-on to SCRIPTED - Vehicle & Economy System - Only works with SCRIPTED - Vehicle & Economy System - The bag gets put onto player when doing jobs and taken off when quits - No extra Team - Customisable random prices (You add min and max price range and it will random pay between that) - Unlimited amount of delivery places - Easy to setup and use - Exploit and player abused SAFE (i've tried my best) - Easy to use and set up - CAR NOT INLCUDEDFree -
Vehicle & Economy System
Features: - Car locking system: Anchors car Disables driver seat Only allows owner to lock and unlock - Economy System: Each player starts with £200. Money saves Auto pay staff and citizen, able to change after how long they get paid and what amount Notifications Charges to spawn a car (DOES NOT SAVE THE CAR, IF YOU BUY A CAR IT'S A ONE TIME PURCHASE) Able to change car price - can be made free Easy to use and setup - Car spawner System: Easy to add and change prices on cars Easy to install locking system Spawns on a location of a part (You can move Spawn_Position part to where you wish the car to spawn)Free - Qatar Auditorium
HamConX Weaponry Force System
- Supermarket Shop System
- Tech Dump
Blackhawk Rescue Mission 5 INDEV ALPHA
Hogans Alley
Hogans Alley, Quantico Training site. Using real references this is a copy of the Quantico Training Facility. DOES NOT INCLUDE KITFree - Airport Seats
Porsche 911
- Modern House
Top Bar UI with Settings and Team Changer
– Team Changer – Topbar UI containing the ingame time and player username + icon – Gamepass store that requires modifying by user – Settings – Easy to installFree -
Locker Model
Locker Model Description • Locker Model is a well made locker model that includes a closed locker, and a opened locker Features • Closed Locker • Opened LockerFree - Modern Apartment
- Old Building
Flashlight System With Sway And Configurations FPS Flashlight System Realistic Flashlight
This is a system for FPS games to have a swayable flashlight. It is highly configurable and has a ton of settings you can configure.Free -
Immigration Model
- BMW M5
LOW POLY Simulator Map
PBR Material/Texture Pack
This PBR Texture Pack features alot of realistic Materiales, Perfect for Building!Free -
MILSIM Team Change / Select Menu GUI
Please know this GUI only runs once when you join the game, it will not re appear after you choose a team hello i make this and release for free, good for milsim group games and stuffFree -
Advanced Join/Leave Logger Script
At Ease, Detain and Salute pack
Please open the “Detain, Salute & Ease Pack-FD” --> “Assets” to find the assets. then put the “At Ease”, “Detain” & “Salute” tools in StarterPack or on a Team in Teams.Free -
– Keyframe animations – Arma ACE JACKALMED MEDICAL SYSTEM – Realistic Laser – Isolated Head and Torso movement – INVERSE KINEMATICS – Shell casings + SFX – ADSMesh – Variable optic zoom (shift+scroll) + REALISTIC HOLOGRAPHIC RETICLE PHYSICS – Realistic freelook – Realistic shoot effects – BRM5 Style movable attachment customisation – Most realistic NVG system on roblox – First Person NVG models – Highly optimised – Advanced ballistics system (wind, bullet weight, ricochet, penetration) – R15 – Loads of modification, highly custom – Keyframe animations – Arma ACE JACKALMED MEDICAL SYSTEM – Realistic Laser – Isolated Head and Torso movement – INVERSE KINEMATICS – Shell casings + SFX – ADSMesh – Variable optic zoom (shift+scroll) + REALISTIC HOLOGRAPHIC RETICLE PHYSICS – Realistic freelook – Realistic shoot effects – BRM5 Style movable attachment customisation – Most realistic NVG system on roblox – First Person NVG models – Highly optimised – Advanced ballistics system (wind, bullet weight, ricochet, penetration) AND MUCH MOREFree -
3D clone morphs: Star Wars