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  1. LocalLua reviewed AMRX's review on a file in Scripted Games
    Nothing is scripted here 😭
  2. LocalLua commented on Q4RE's comment on a file in Maps
    @god Honestly man, that’s quite concerning and I feel bad. Look, all I’m asking is to either remove this file from scripted category or at least change it to map category because this file doesn’t have any scripts other than a map. No offense whatsoever. I hope you understand. 🙏
  3. LocalLua reviewed AMRX's review on a file in Scripted Games
    Scripted but only localscript and module but recommended 👍
  4. LocalLua reviewed AMRX's review on a file in Scripted Games
    Partially scripted, mostly localscripts and module. Better than nothing.
  5. LocalLua reviewed AMRX's review on a file in Scripted Games
    Game looks outdated but it is fully scripted.
  6. LocalLua reviewed AMRX's review on a file in Scripted Games
    Good file but there are things need to fix. Despite that, everything is scripted. Recommended 👍
  7. LocalLua commented on Q4RE's comment on a file in Maps
    @god Quite unprofessional and rude for a Senior Admin. All I’m saying this file should be somewhere beside fully scripted category as it doesn’t have any scripts at all. Do your job properly.
  8. LocalLua commented on Q4RE's comment on a file in Maps
    @god I’m saying this file is a fake because it’s claimed to be full scripted while it’s not. It’s quite obvious considering most rbxlx files are mostly saveinstance and doesn’t actually save serverscripts. Plus this one doesn’t even save localscript and modulescript, this file should be removed.
    Not a fully scripted. No serverscript and serverstorage including localscripts.
  9. LocalLua reviewed Q4RE's review on a file in Maps
    Recent files uploaded by this user is nothing but fake claims of “fully scripted” Not recommended 👎 Also here’s the inside of the file doors for this one. And it’s clearly fake due to rbxlx file type.
    This one is straight up just map because it’s rbxlx file type. Even the GUI localscripts doesn’t have any codes.
    Not really Jailbreak but file seem to partially scripted.
    Either I have to fix something on my own or this is partial scripted game. I can’t say this is a fully scripted.
  10. LocalLua reviewed Q4RE's review on a file in Scripted Games
    Not a fully scripted file at all. Not recommended 👎
  11. LocalLua reviewed valentinefloppa's review on a file in Scripted Games
    Doesn’t work and the map doesn’t look like a map at all, squished into pieces together

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