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Everything posted by Whatisagameorgame

  1. You have a metal issue or you broke your file
  2. The main menu gui local script line 707 are you mental? I legit said the scripts name
  3. Oh and what I mean by filter is vc moderateing
  4. Im not talking like a script I mean like disable it for players in studio and game
  5. Dawg if u cant find this or know how to enable a UI I am not helping u
  6. Pathos loading screens are shit in general :pray:
  7. Hey, you can use the version that I helped recreated and had leaked, includes a ton of newer stuff bc im the goat. at coding Its one of the leaks "Pathos March", review my most recent comment for any loading screen bugs in that one
  8. Omicron 4 was so fun lol, anyways I won't prob add updates as I don't work with stolen things anymore rlly, Heres a fix! steps Remove the loading script in rep first Enable the Main Menu UI in startergui Remove line, 707 of LocalMenuHandler under main menu UI Remove Localseathandler or expect lag (Expect a delay when spawning to when menu loads)
  9. I can see if my pc will open the file once again (I lag so bad) if it can I might make a fix for loading
  10. Spoof for anims, teams change perms havent done in a while
  11. Yes, I was the main recoder for everything that was updated, I do not claim to have made pathos, but I did re create things
  12. Just make sure to copy the ending parts that dont do the loading
  13. Tbh, you could just replace loading screens that what our copy did, P sure this version is oudated.
    • Version 1.0.0
    Some random core game I found, do whatever
  14. replace perms too long to list loading screen is just a pain in general
  15. ik I made this version (scripts atleast) 😭
  16. Go to ServerScriptService / Group lock, delete that or replace with your group
  17. Nah, their was 3 devs and we diden't make pathos lol just modified
  18. @zeu Can you please inform me on how u got this file
  19. Funny thing, I was one of the people who remade this, I don't remember giving it out so slightly concerning on how you got this file

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