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  1. I request the gun system that Octavian and Teutonnia use.
    This deserves five stars even if there isn't any scripts in the map the map itself is amazing I've been looking for this map for around three to two months now and I have finally found it! Thanks.
    • Version 1.0.0
    This is Checkpoint Madrid made by Octavium it is the entire map probably lacks some Terrain though it only contains local and module scripts (no main scripts / server scripts)
  2. Frosts commented on Lenus Ailen's comment on a file in Scripted Games
    Think you could leak Lenburg? Aka Alpine Castle or whatever it’s called!
  3. Frosts posted a post in a topic in Community Help
    Sorry for horrible picture!
  4. Frosts started following Help with terrain
  5. Frosts posted a post in a topic in Community Help
    Can someone help me with this map that was leaked to get some terrain that was sadly lost when it aaa leaked! If interested please contact my discord which is frostinity.

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