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Evil John Pork

Platinum VIP
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    • Version 1.0.1
    Expect Major Updates to the Map. I found this on the Toolbox. I edited it alot. There are no scripts just the map but expect big updates to the map soon.
  1. If you want the gun gui to show up then go to ReplicatedStorage.ACS_Engine.HUD and replace the GunGui with the one I sent after you do that it should look like this: GunGui.rbxm
  2. Quick question there is 47 gun tools but there are 200 gun models where are the rest of the rest of the 153 gun tools? If you have them then post a file for the rest or update the file please if you can.
    W manz I had a slightly older version of this with only like 5 guns. Thx for this newer version with wayy more guns. And bro please keep posting stuff like this its really cool
    • Version 1.0.0
    Idk i got this for 1 dollar off payhip This includes 3 detailed sets of medieval armor included helmets. Features: Touch events scripted (you can click it to equip armor) Detailed armor Helmets included
  3. Evil John Pork changed their profile photo
  4. Evil John Pork commented on Evil John Pork's comment on a file in System
    @Cow its way easier to help people through discord because you can screen share and they can reply faster
  5. Evil John Pork commented on Evil John Pork's comment on a file in System
    you need to dm me on discord please read the readme
    • Version 1.0.0
    Been leaked 1000 times already also read the readme in the rbxm
    • Version 1.0.0
    R6 Tarkov Stuff my friend gave to me and i made them work. Works for R6 only
  6. keep up the good work bro 🙏
  7. I will be doing a update today that will auto install this to your 1.7.5 ACS and all you have to do is Spoof the animations. I might make a tutorial if we get 20 downloads. 🤷‍♂️

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