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Nicholas Turner

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Everything posted by Nicholas Turner

  1. I never said it was mine, friends gave this to me, their friends gave it to me, random people give stuff like this to me, and I decide to leak it.
  2. Nicholas Turner reviewed AMRX's review on a file in System
    Eeverytime I go to the spawner it’s blank
    • Version 1.0.0
    Blizzard R9 Cracked I haev had this file in my pc for a while so it may be a bit outdated THIS FILE COMES WITH: The file comes with everything you need for blizzard like- tools, cargo, weaponry, and helicopters. This file comes with a UH-1, AH-1, Mi-28 (or 24) and a NH-90, Everything is pretty simple to use, controls are on the gui. HOW TO GET OTHER HELICOPTERS: Simply just get a blizzard helicopter from free models or GPI or something and put it in the game. HOW TO EDIT: go into helicopter settings and change the scripts or sounds for the police gpi helicopter you need to add the rotor sounds. WHAT TO DO IF HELICOPTER IS STUCK AND CANNOT MOVE: This is a common problem, this can be caused by the helicopter being anchored, or in another models hitbox not allowing it to move. Enjoy! :)
  3. Nicholas Turner commented on AMRX's comment on a file in Vehicles
    How do I start them?
  4. Nicholas Turner reviewed AMRX's review on a file in Vehicles
  5. Can we get a fictional sheriff one too please
    • Version 2.5
    I am working on getting other versions, I normally get sstuff like this through private sellers like friends of friends.
  6. Nicholas Turner reviewed Mrwolfofficel's review on a file in Vehicles
    thanks,v vrey good job
    Wow, just wow, very hot, matte paint job, perfect for off roading and on roads, 10/10

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