Membership Reviews
Review your membership using this forum. Be sure you have already purchased the subscription before reviewing.
7 topics in this forum
Membership Reviews allow you to write a personal note about your experience and give the subscription tier a rating. Talk about what you like and what could see better improvement. Use the template below when making a post in one of the sections. You’ll only be able to post in the section that your membership is active in. Copy & Paste Example’s Membership ReviewRating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Out of 5) My Review: (Share your overall experience with this membership tier.) Favorite Perks: (List the perks or features you enjoyed the most.)
Reputation Points
- 0 replies
Glaze Membership ReviewRating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My Review: I love having this perk because I can go to Booster and Premium section and get all exclusive assets for free as not only that I only got access to this because I became a staff memeber and its been fun working here with everyone. Favorite Perks: Booster Section - Premium section - no wait time to download - Enjoying Darkblox
Reputation Points
- 1 reply
- 1 follower
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My Review: the files are GREAT genuinely so for cheap money you can get some really good stuff Favorite Perks: the premium files! they’re goated
Reputation Points
- 1 reply
Platinum VIP Membership ReviewRating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My Review: In my opinion, it’s worth it. There’s a huge selection of categories and an enormous number of files. Downloading only takes one click, with no waiting time. Plus, you get a role on the Discord Server. The support is also very fast, and the staff members are very friendly. Favorite Perks: Access to Boost Category Access to Premium Category Download files without waiting Extra Discord Role
Reputation Points
- 1 reply
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Out of 5) My Review: It is really good and worth it, you get a lot of free assets which is really fun, and you get all inserts which is a WIN WIN. 100% recommend Favorite Perks: All of it tbh
Reputation Points
- 0 replies
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